There's a web site I love to go to when I have some down time at work...or when I'm bored (and usually that's at work too). It's called, they also have OverheardintheOffice and OverheardEverywhere. It's just random pieces of overheard conversation that typically don't make sense. Some of it can get pretty dirty but it's all hillarious. Here's my pick of the day - somehow I can see my sister saying this when she was little.
Dad to little girl: I'm going to feed you to a puppy.
Little girl: Dad! I don't want to eat a puppy.
Dad: I'm not going to feed you a puppy, I'm going to feed you to a puppy.
Little girl: Oh, that's okay, I like puppies.
So just as long as the puppy doesn't get hurt it's ok?